Somewhere along the way the cracks of a fuzzy radio station pumping honky-tonk country music to the cab of an old pickup truck imprinted my memory. This playlist brings back those memories. curated by us for your own winter party.


Somewhere along the way the crackle of a fuzzy radio station pumping honky-tonk country music to the cab of an old pickup truck imprinted my memory. I can still hear the scratch of an ice scraper as I watch an uncle, grandpa, or my dad clear the frozen windshield; waiting impatiently for the dashboard heat to warm up. I can still perfectly picture dust rising from a saddle blanket seat cover as he tosses the scraper into the cab between us and we set to bumping over ice and through powdery snow.
Nostalgia is such a heartening and comfortable sensation. I’m willing to bet there are not many among us who aren’t moved to memory by scenes of ice skating or sleigh riding in the countryside; pulling frozen fingers from steaming mittens around a bonfire or the old hissing propane heater of an ice fishing hut.
This winter’s newsletter is inspired by the days when country music had twang, old bread sacks beefed up the water-resistance of soggy snow boots, and hot cocoa was considered a staple. Cheers to winter in the midwest. I hope you get the chance to find winter fun and pass along your own nostalgic memories this season. I hope some of our little adventures, tips, and tricks help you to make it happen, and I hope you’ll send us photos of the fun along the way! Tag us with your favorites, and hit us up with tips and tricks from your own excursions!